Archive for September, 2012

I just thought of something

September 28, 2012

My last three marathons:

California International Marathon 2007
No carbo-loading whatsoever
Fell apart at mile 18 3:07:38
Avenue of the Giants Marathon 2010
Ineffective carbo-loading (diarrhea)
Fell apart slowly starting at mile 9 3:06:19
SB International Marathon 2011
Effective carbo-load (I think)
Fell apart at mile 17 3:07:21

Hunh. Carbo-loading really doesn’t seem to make any difference whatsoever. Or else I haven’t the faintest idea how to do it right…

So I need to try something else…

Maybe I should carry a camelback in my next race and drink frequently?

The spider that lives in the tub

September 6, 2012

There’s a spider that lives in the tub, tra-la.
A spider that lives in the tub.
The cat likes to bat it, completely combative,
The spider that lives in the tub, tra-la.
The spider that lives in the tub.
His own game of soccer without any locker,*
The kitty that plays in the tub, tra-la.
The kitty that plays in the tub.
Til finally, the spider drops down through the drain-hole,
The kitty has scored an own-goal, poor thing.
The kitty has scored an own-goal.

*For those outside the US:
His own game of football, with scarcely a footfall

What I did on my summer vacation…

September 5, 2012

And now for something completely different